Many years ago, Todd had the opportunity to hear Notre Dame Football Coach, Lou Holtz, speak about his views on life and leadership. He shared his three rules which resonated greatly, and we’ve since worked to incorporate them into our lives and business.
"I follow three rules: do the right thing, do the best you can, and always show people you care."
- Lou Holtz
Do the Right Thing
One of our first clients once asked Todd, "Is this what you would recommend for your mother?" With confidence, he told her that he would make the same recommendation if his mother were in the same financial circumstances. Since then, that has been our benchmark. We don't recommend an investment or financial decision that we wouldn't recommend to a close friend or family member.
Frequently, people come to us who have been sold financial products that they don't understand or may not be in their best interest. Financial advisors can sell products motivated by commissions rather than choosing investments that make sense in a client's financial plan. At Rhino Wealth Management, we follow a fiduciary standard and always put the client's best interest first.
Do the Best You Can
We often remind clients that there is no crystal ball, and we can't see the future or defy gravity. No promises can be made other than to do our best and to act with integrity. We would question any financial advisor that says otherwise.
To do your best job, you must have quality tools, which is why we invest in economic and market research, as well as portfolio modeling and financial planning software. Education, training, experience, and utilizing quality tools helps us do the best job possible for our clients.
Show People You Care
We conduct business with an attitude of service. We listen more than we talk. We proactively keep clients informed about what's happening in markets and the economy. We strive to be responsive by responding to calls and emails by the following business day.
From helping young couples plan for a family or their first home to guiding individuals as they prepare for the next stage of their life or retirement. We care for people through every step of their life's journey.